Lady Rose

May 2, 2011

we're a creature capable of loving...

we all experienced loss..
we'd also experience how to be alone..
but is it an enough reason not to stand up again?

they say that some people who became part of our lives, just passed by in order for us to learn something...yeah probably its true...but sometimes when we feel so stuck in our emotions, we're finding it hard to accept what's really happening...because, we tend to regret the things that we should have done but never been done...and thoughts of having that memory is such a precious thing to let go....

a friend told me..that if you wanna cry, just cry...let it out...because sometimes, crying is the only way of expressing unspoken words..."come on, there's always a rainbow after the rain"..we have the chance to be happy...just choose the right path..."do what you love and love what you do"..

we have to admit, we just feel so down whenever things dont work out the way we want it to be....(im talking bout love life here, ok?)..maybe it happened for us to be better...coz if we just get what we want without hard work, we'll just be taking for granted the things that we have, and we will never appreciate its value unless its gone....

what if...we never learned to move on?..(there is no acceptance),,,that's reality..we're finding it hard to accept something especially when it stayed too long and its too hard to let go...and you know, that's all you ever wanna be...wishing life has controls...reset and feel that feeling again...we wish to rewind our lives and we wanna pause it but we just cant make it stay....

courage,,,,that's all we ever need...courage to "stand up and try again"...we have to step backward in order not make wise decisions for the i right?...just because we're taking one step backward doesnt mean that we're a coward..its because, we have accepted something and we're not afraid to try again...take a pause, breath, stand up and try again...that's life...

most of us are afraid to keep on trying and trying..because we're afraid that we might get hurt for the same reason over and over again...tell you what, we meet people with different personalities, with different point of views, with different cultures..your past cannot be exactly the same as your present, because they are two different  people...

we all get hurt and cry...but we still chose to love again...because..WE BELIEVE IN LOVE...and WE KNOW THAT THERE IS SOMEONE OUT THERE WHO DESERVE TO BE LOVED AS WE WANNA BE LOVED BACK...

have faith...


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