Lady Rose

April 30, 2010

get a good night sleep

Break that bad sleep habit before it breaks you.
Long days and restless nights can be a deadly combination. No matter how stressful of a turn your life might take, your sleep is the one area you should be careful not to let suffer. If you're feeling like a full-blown insomniac lately, here's a few ways to get you back to bed.

Lose the Energy Drinks
If you're not getting enough sleep at night, it makes sense that you'd reach right for the can of ready-made energy. But since these cans are packed with lots and lots of milligrams of caffeine, the jolt lasts you a lot longer than you intend it to. That one drink could last you through bedtime -- it might give you wings, but it'll fly you right out of dreamland.

Wrap It Up
The easiest change you can make to your rest pattern is to just start your wind-down process early. Don't flop on to bed immediately after finishing an activity -- even if you're beat, your mind is still firing away. Instead give yourself a few minutes of cool down time, whether it be staring at a tv show or journaling your day. Most importantly -- don't go to your bed until you're ready to actually sleep.

No Time For Wine
Wine and other alcohol may make you sleepy at first, but once the buzz is gone it's a nightmare -- literally. A drunken sleep -- as many of us who've had long nights know -- brings troubled dreams and therefore a restless sleep. By all means, have a nice glass of red wine if that helps you wind down (it also is full of antioxidants so all things in moderation,) but stop there. Don't drink your way to sleep.


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