Lady Rose

April 30, 2010

great skin at any age

As you get older, you change inside and out. There are great ways to keep your skin looking fresh and vibrant, no matter what age you are.
In Your 20’s: Skin cell renewal drops by up to 28%.

- Avoid the mid-day sun, and always use skin protection. 
- If you’re a smoker, now is a good time to quit. Your skins renewal process is starting to slow down, and smoking not only causes fine lines around your mouth but it also has a premature aging effect.

In Your 30’s: Environmental damage and the effects of pollution begin to show.

- In addition to your daily skincare regimen, make sure you try to exfoliate at least two or three times a week. 
- Limit your alcohol consumption, and drink plenty of water to keep your skin hydrated.

In Your 40’s: You skin loses its elasticity, and wrinkles and lines start to form.

- Use creams that contain Jojoba or Rose oil to remove dead skin cells. 
- Use natural skin care products so you’re not introducing unnecessary toxins into your system.


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