Lady Rose

April 30, 2010

boost your energy

Give yourself an energy surge with a few, simple changes.
Short days, long nights -- winter's rough. It's hard to stay sunny when you're not seeing much sunshine. If you can't get a cheery boost from Mr. Golden Sun, a few of these tips will help you feel brighter in minutes.

Lean Mean Protein
Instead of a bowl full of marshmallow-packed cereal, go for a protein-packed breakfast. Scrambled eggs and whole-wheat toast might not come in a box bedecked in cartoon characters, but it will help you get cheerier than a Care Bear in the dead of winter.

Take a Walk
Sitting at your desk, five days a week from 9-5 can really take your energy level down, so for a super-fast fix, go for a walk. Even if it's just to the water cooler, a little bit of movement will get your blood pumping and help motivate you to finish the day.

Ditch the Caffeine Fix
Sure, it seems to jumpstart your day with speed, but it actually isn't your energy that coffee is kicking in. The caffeine you reach for is only switching on your nervous system, not giving you a day's worth of energy. Limit your addiction to one cup in the morning and then reach for energy friendly green tea instead.


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