Lady Rose

April 17, 2011


have you ever wondered why there's always a reaction for every action?..why is there always a 'negative' to a 'positive'?..why do we always have to undergone something to achieve something?...why not just take shortcuts? a little idea?...can you please help me out?...i need a little more point of views about this...

in my opinioth, we're experiencing both sides of the equation in order to be stronger...everytime we fall, we have to rise up again..and by this, we acquire skills...with these skills we can make life not sure of what im saying right now..

"just ride with it"...that's what they're saying..."everything depends on what kind of environment you're in"..for sure, there's a lot of quotes out there talking bout these, butin just one statement..can we just find an explanation that can be applied in general?...



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