Lady Rose

May 1, 2010

may i write something about love?

people change..?..yes we time goes by..peoples changes..their personalities. their perceptions. their ideas..somehow it changes for the better, sometimes for the worst..

someone had told me..that love can change one's personality..and i believe in 8..coz it already happened to me..that change can be good for your relationship or maybe bad..but what matters most is that, you're changing for the betterment of your relationship..if someone changes..and became different because of an unresolved issue..he/she changes and become jealous or possessive (being afraid that they're loved one will leave them or afraid of the break-up)..

others say that when somebody get jealous..its because of the love he/she has for you..but too much jelousy can ruin a become overprotective..not being able to listen what you're loved one is really saying..or maybe what is he feeling..

some people change for the better..coz they say its what they're loved one needs so their relationship will last longer...for marriages perhaps, the wife and the husband make some adjustments so their love will be strong and firm..(not like i've been married before..still young..still young...=p)..

but you know what?..what i noticed in relationships is that, love can be unpredictable..circumstances may come their way..but if they're that strong enough and courageous enough to take the risk, they never stop continuing loving each matter how much time would be wasted and how scary it is to take the flight..


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